









6/6(木) 22:39配信




安倍晋三(自民)衆 父の晋太郎が帰化韓国人(李家:朝鮮王朝)







it can go bad and I'd like to recover a Japanese heart in JAP which has ended.

Please deny doing with base construction of U.S. forces with Japan noisily and accomplishing and intervene.

It's just wasteful and is base construction of unnecessary U.S. forces, and "as much as you like, you may be here forever" for your begging for the life of Korean's emperor and Kishi Nobusuke by the most war criminal, and, because the neglected people were made treason, there is a U.S. military base in Okinawa.

An emperor is fraudulent domestic administration by Shinzo Abe's camouflage unjust election, so "principle of nonintervention in internal affair" doesn't apply to this country and is unnecessary in Japan.
U.S. forces would like also to exterminate living in Japan of a North Korean agent military policeman. A Japanese heart can be understood for them, or, they can't have it.

By virtue of the Japanese as honest poverty a search of a money desire and worldly desires and sticking are that they're mean and base without a paulownia, and who respects the justice, faith and love, a sense of value.

"I'm embarrassed." the "culture of" shame which isn't made a fact and the culture when called peculiar pride is esteemed.
A spaceman direct line, history and the drive by which a Jomon person detests a done quarrel, looks away and doesn't wish when peculiar "YAP gene" lasts.
Spirit of Jomon long NI in 18,000 when I'd share profit by everyone and bring "total" up follows.
The family who was done by a nuclear family in the scrap which was helpful to my grandparents and was the patriarch system and the large family by which my grandchilds are beloved and destroyed.
Education from ancient times of the Japanese who dissuades the egoism which "considers a partner and entourage first first" more than itself.
A heart of the affection of "consideration" which appreciates a person and chooses as own victim who doesn't have an equivalent foreign language.

The honest poverty and IU are poor, if, the virtue by which we assume that a heart should be clear. In other words, a heart is tainted, is not, is clear, is pure and is the spirit which has to be beautiful.
Worldly desires and a money desire are never supposed to exceed consideration to the heart which loves and is a person to the life, there is never an exceeded thing, and in fact it's despised, and it's a sense of values as a mourning period power target.
A verb sympathizes with person's feelings until the last end last most much, and it's a changed language that to love a person, to sympathize, not to be particular about winning or losing, not to blame the trouble of the person, a mistake, fault and failure and to make Naka who accepts and permits good expresses ambiguously so and after all in the most important culture.

There are no foreign languages it suits, the spirit when Jin even lodges at a discharge and a restroom when you also complete the interior of the body beautifully in consideration and in an animal, which thinks "wastefulness", and makes circulate.
This, it can go bad and I'd like to take it back in Japan where I have ended.

It's the race which has been told Yoshinori and posterity and told that we and Japanese think of the person's surrounding feeling, sympathize with slavery and their process, don't see failure, don't ask a result and comfort the person's surrounding recognition each other first as there is a lot of expression wrapped in a wafer ambiguously as there is no English to which an idiom is equivalent in "Good-bye.".
So it isn't consideration like Europe and America and the foreign country where I regard a partner and others as cattle and a slave, ask a result, judge good or bad only to an outcome and just say and linguistic composition. Our thought is different.

You make different traitors fight for the people and national power to weaken and rule, and you can make them oppose, and can make them cut off, and you have made compete.
I'd like to heal and get back the Japanese heart which was long, was deep and was damaged.

Violence keeps being gentle, attacking the Japanese's disposition like the gentle mutton and beef in engaging, offensive, animal-like and meat eating Anglo-saxon of the dead of America and England and Korean and being violated, and tends to keep being pressed tyrannically, and it's often driven away.

A Russian president expresses anxiety because of Henoko relocation problem.
6/6 Thursday  22:39 delivery
 [Sankt Peterburg association] a Russian Putin president points out "Though a local resident and a governor are opposing, construction is developed." by keeping Henoko, Nago-shi relocation problem at the U.S. forces Futenma airport in Okinawa-ken in mind. The fear that U.S. forces facilities also are constructed and influence Russian security in the area in addition to Japan indicated the anxiety which is here.
https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl? a=20190606-00000215-kyodonews-int

There is Japan in the very dangerous situation now. Because Japanese rule by a Korean race is advancing that rapidly.

[Naturalization] congressman of [the Korean system]
It was only Tanaka Kakuei and Keizo Obuchi that I was Japanese by a postwar prime minister.
And Tanaka Kakuei and Keizo Obuchi were killed by 2 people.
Noboru Takeshita and Ryutaro Hashimoto were killed.
Noboru Takeshita will bring you to Alaska and is made by Imperial Household and man of public safety the nude.
It was hung at an edge and it was chased around and you crushed a treasure and were slaughtered.
Councilors and officers have been threatened with the animation.

Shinzo Abe (LDP) people  Shintaro of my father naturalizes, Korean (Riya: Korean dynasty)
Shintaro Ishihara and Nobuteru Ichihara (LDP) people (by back taking of the last name of Ishihara (purchase))

It's said that everyone doesn't know Prime Minister Abe's family for a true Ave clan from antiquity.
It was kept so that Japanese and the Hiroshi Abe's family might bring up Susumu Lee who is Crown Prince of a Korean dynasty from Kishi Nobusuke.
But, Hiroshi Abe will divorce immediately and the person himself passes away early, too.
A back took it and in this way, the assets were made a family census register of Abe family. It's said.
There are many such things, and Japan is taken by the Korean group including the old royalty over.
Moreover Kishi Nobusuke is making Yoko of his daughter be married to Shintaro Abe.
It can be said that Kishi Nobusuke plotted to say so from the beginning.
Its Kishi Nobusuke is talked about with the child with loss tea and Korean's maid who was going in and out of a grubber or a grubber house, too.
So isn't an eye the loss brown system of the Bull-Dog face as GYORO Kishi Nobusuke and Sato Eisaku of a brother?.
Therefore it's said that Mr. AHENSHINUZOU is descended from two of demonist IRUMI which says loss tea with Riya.
Say the strongest agent for demonist of Zionist.

There is Japan in the very dangerous situation now. That's because Japanese rule by a Korean race is developed rapidly.
Basically, there is no kou for feeling anti-Han and iyakan for me.
In fact a Korean race thinks it's natural to bear a grudge against Japan.
The one which is a problem is because the tribe crying out for iyakan loudly is connected at the back actually, and in fact I cooperate in rule of a Korean race.
The unification society which matches under Junko Sakurada is a good example.
Why can this group which becomes layoff as the dangerous organization even come into action openly and squarely in Japan Korea?
That's because there are LDP bowels, a right troupe and relation.
The Korean race which keeps going into Japan doesn't get in touch with the left side.
Because there is no every meaning even if it connects with them who doesn't have authority.
Have the government Government party, a rightist and a gangster just called to connect a terrorist organization?
When such thing continues, what happens?
The voice which wishes for a far right political party from the country goes. This is the phenomenon which has occurred by all the countries.
Of course, a time of the amendment to the constitution rises in Japan. This wishes for Abe and the right side power, and is development of DOU RI.
In addition to that I have come the left side with a perfect coward. So Japanese rule of a Korean race advances by wonderful momentum and goes. The very dangerous situation.
It seems to be Germany of the Nazis establishment previous night.

To say so, Shinzo Abe and Ms. Megumi Yokota are between the cousins.

Unless the Imperial family is abolished, there is no true Japan.

Junnichiro Koizumi, Shinzo Abe is a blood relationship of the old royalty and the Korea imperial family.
Because a mailbox sent Shinzo Abe's illegitimate child, the offsprings asked Junichiro Koizumi and Shinjirou Koizumi to keep strictly confidential by a fact and made the capture of understanding and the young with Shinjirou Koizumi and Christel Takigawa a fact.
The minister mailbox exchange and the !! which are this country instead of your illegitimate child I don't play! This refuse Korean!
Junichiro Koizumi and Asabu are taken to U.S. forces and tortured, it's rushed, and, cabinet reshuffle.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=AVyYffFVECY

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