

航機123便墜落事故の真相 ?墜落後の空白の16時間にあった許せない出来事?



14/01/19 08:42:33.05


しかし、拝金で朝鮮人工作員憲兵の警察も検察も何もしない。 天皇は即、廃止すべきだ!






天皇家は莫大な金塊を所有しており、その一部は台湾に預けられている模様です。 そこから16京円相当の金塊を持ち出し、その半分の8京円分を米国に提供することにしたのだ。



The one emperor made make war is for plunder of a gold bar. In purpose of such one, well, the people which are Asia in the country which became the sacrifice which is again.

The thing which should be done has no choice but to exclude the Korean agent military policemen who dissolve Japan Self-Defense Forces taken over by Korean agents and take Japanese Japan Self-Defense Forces, councilor and officers over from Japan perfectly!
The affair for which flight 123 of Ko machine made at 16:00 of the truth of a plane crash-gap after a fall which can't be permitted-
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LEB7wq42Dvk

A councilor and an officer will soon throw it away. In the digital 24 hour opening to the public voting, AI policy judgement. It'll connect only by a people and become independent by a people. Neither councilors full of takeover Korean agent military policemen nor an official servant will need at all any more.
Terrorist Abe and others who are an underground atom bomb earthquake in sarin, don't permit tax pension treason by takeover Koreans! AHON person pasture!
Asabu, Koizumi and Nakasone were taken to the Tomo.
It's the carbon-emissions tax in the consumption tax tax increase to contribute to USA for its begging for the life of Shinzo Abe of complicity.
You're never supposed to permit!
You (Shinzo Abe) are also on a list, but you're helpful. Make money for compensation U.S. forces,", cards
https://www.youtube.com/watch? around 2:13 v=L4CbhUr2yyI
It's being threatened.
Because you don't have to help, send Abe to the Tomo fast, it's TTSUN!

Funds next to the consumption tax increase? The "carbon-emissions tax" which surfaces in the government
9/2 Monday.
https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl? a=20190902-00000009-mai-bus_all

The assassination by which emperor related is every time again.
For phantom killer terrorism in Kawasaki where 20 people's of children and Mr. Koyama suffered death or injury to cheat emperor's assassination by embroiling a child. Mr. Koyama's silencing of the interpreter who knows construction with Myanmar is the purpose. Only such thing is being done. It's an emperor.
The interpreter of Myanmar language who knows the gold bar and the drug dealings by which he thought he put it out too much already was made a phantom killer who disposes and aims at a child and it was cheated.
Leaving choumono to hide the location of the gold bar, the wirepuller of a massacre of ROHINGYA in Myanmar who knew that was an emperor and where Aung San Suu Kyi is an emperor (spying) and.
14/01/19 08:42:33.05
Aung San Suu Kyi's dad trained Nakano (school = Japanese spying education school), too, and I fought against a British army.
But the police force of the Korean agent military policeman and investigation are done by mammon. Immediately, an emperor should abolish!

Crime by the reiwa emperor who judged from Kawasaki killing and wounding event and a sake bottle offing cargo boat collision intentionally, made it suppression and killed!
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=NREzT_gsIWE

A crime of a reiwa emperor isn't only this, there even is now.
The man who associated with Masako besides Yukio Okamoto who was an undersecretary candidate by a former boss has assassinated all the members. My pro-daughter arranges almost all adherence as of the same government office. [Back taking of Imperial Household is disclosed.] Masako's dreadful male travel https://is.gd/jh9c2h

Reign of all Japanese major companies has fallen into hands of a foreign buzzard. That?
Because a Heisei emperor was taking advantage of the weakness! It wasn't possible to protect a country!
An emperor has stamped a stamp many times as it was called!". Please
1 minute-https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=aVsryLJWsTc

As expected! joujaku, because Maro is doing an emperor and Imperial Household, it's to its advantage of begging for the life so certainly necessarily.
Anyhow even how many times does treason send neglected people calmly for my body important thing, too? Immediately! Abolish an emperor! It's already a fish in fresh water of fox and raccoon dog!

The inside of an abdomen is shit(UNKO) at the place where how much were they gathered in the stone which can't be taken to kingdom come and paper inevitable death, I'm full, for, it's treatment as DOKUZU forever in this world. Rather foolish. False emperor of a hiding Korean.

The Imperial family possesses a huge gold bar, and its part is the design left in Taiwan. I decided to take 160,000,000,000,000,000 yen of considerable gold bar out from there and offer USA one for the half of 80,000,000,000,000,000 yen.
That a westerner had his eye made the imperial army and navy invade Asian countries at the Japanese Empire, and I made them despoil of a gold and silver treasury, and the end made Japan be annihilated, and tried to take oneself's.
The gold bar in which I also equal to sleep in Philippine far in the mountains in 24000 tons of Imperial Household name minute and 14000 tons of Vatican City name minute. The total volume of the buried gold bar is called by 175 totals 141,000 tons.
Though Japan is a vanquished nation, an emperor reigns over DA as the biggest money lender in the world now.

Former Keio University constitutional law lecturer KT Hisashi Yasushi who has often gone out to that television is a grandchild of Mr. Ltcol KT Tsunenori Miya.
Mr. KT Miya is the person who survived until the end at the Philippine far in the mountains where the gold bar the Japanese military plundered of Asia in 12 countries was hidden.
175 underground storage sites are set up to the Philippine length and breadth, and a general of the army has arrived at a person in charge respectively.
The respective sites blew an entrance and exit way up, and 175 people's of the general all assembled number 8 left at the end on June 1, 1945 in a site.
The entrance and exit way was also blown up, 175 people's of general all the members were made being buried alive, and died.
It was put out for silencing.
I returned to the ground by an elevator from an underground depot just before the explosion, and there were 3 people's of men who leave the mountain path double-quick while feeling rumbling of the ground.
One person who is soon was a KT prince. Remaining 2 people are Yamashita Tomoyuki man, a Philippine Ben Ball moss and HAMIN.

Yamashita is executed as a war criminal and chooses this testimony as HAMIN. It's American report author sterling and Mr. and Mrs. Peggy's Sea graves that testimony of HAMIN was exhibited by a book of a start "American secret collection of gold warriors-Yamashita treasury" (translating ly) in 2003.

That the total volume of the gold bar saved 175 points with chooses these as presumption of MI6 with CIA, 141,000 tons.
14000 tons of Vatican City name part and 24000 tons of Imperial Household name part.
Because it's 1900 tons a year, the official total output of the money of the world is here for 74 years of the total output of the world.
Though Japan was a vanquished nation in a war, substance was the biggest upstart large country in the world.
But a true owner of these gold bars is an owning thing of the international finance capitalist who is a war proprietor and also the royal family on it according to Mr. Takahashi.
The Japanese military were used to exploit a gold and silver treasury from Asia.
When Japan entered the war, Japanese going south was performed very early. A fund played the role sufficiently. Japan was invaded instantly with Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma and Vietnam. All those countries were a colony in European countries. And a great deal of gold bars were waiting for the Japanese military in the bank which was in those countries (bank in an occupation country). Without troubling Japan, I have had 90% money in European countries in my hand. Japanese" engine" is established from here, and the" gold lily strategy" by" engine" starts. These" engines" are the organization different from the Japanese military. It was the very strong organization which could do to use the army and a navy for transportation of a gold bar.

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