
ومن أجل قتل سوريما ، فانه ليس شيئا من القوه العظمي تقريبا مثل دعوته رسميا ، وعدم النجاح ، كمائنه ، واغتياله. الناس من البلد قطاع طرق من الطريق فاسده. الولايات الامريكيه لكل من Pedferia يريا قد تختفي. ومن المستحيل ان يكون الجيش الأمريكي ، الذي لا يستطيع هزيمة فيتنام أو أفغانستان ، يضرب إيران. انا فقط أقوم بإيواء الأوهام

استخدم هذا الموقع للترجمة التلقائية إلى لغتك الاصليه.الاصليه.

از این سایت برای ترجمه خودکار به زبان مادری خود استفاده کنید.

ومن أجل قتل سوريما ، فانه ليس شيئا من القوه العظمي تقريبا مثل دعوته رسميا ، وعدم النجاح ، كمائنه ، واغتياله. الناس من البلد قطاع طرق من الطريق فاسده. الولايات الامريكيه لكل من Pedferia يريا قد تختفي.

ومن المستحيل ان يكون الجيش الأمريكي ، الذي لا يستطيع هزيمة فيتنام أو أفغانستان ، يضرب إيران. انا فقط أقوم بإيواء الأوهام

"يجب إغلاق كل آلاف من القواعد العسكرية الامريكيه في العالم. أسرع طريقه لتنظيف العالم. والغرض الرئيسي من القواعد العسكرية الامريكيه هو تهريب الذهب والبنادق والمخدرات والنقود والأطفال (بما في ذلك الاجهزه). السابق وكاله المخابرات البحرية السابقة فريق المشاة مقابله https://is.gd/xFR6ci


الأهم من ذلك هو الكذب علي اتفاقيه وضع القوات بين الولايات الامريكيه واليابان والتي لا تضغط علي عمل الجيش 25:20 http://bit.ly/2hFv3A333

ان الولايات المتحدة لا تحمي اليابان. الأمن مصنوع بذكاء

وتنص المادة 5 من قانون الأمن بوضوح علي ان "الهجمات علي البلدان الأخرى ستضرب اليابان". ومن الوهم ان المختطفين الذين تحايلوا علي العملاء الكوريين تلاعبوا بالانطباع كما لو ان الولايات المتحدة دافعت عن اليابان. هو تمويه من الاختطاف خداع عناصر كورية من الجيدة معتاده للغضب راحة من الالناس. 22:00 الhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v-FfsWPdWAUR0

ومن المقرر ادانته لانتهاكه الصارخ لمبادئ القانون الدولي.
ورد وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف علي الحادث.
المجتمع العالمي يدعم جرائم الحرب المزعومة في إيران ضد ترامب
وقال انه في نهاية المطاف ان يوضع في السجن لهذه الجريمة ، و
مصادر الفيدرالية الروسية وعد.


وقال المحاربون القدامى توددي ان الحكومة الامريكيه وعدت بالتنازل عن الدبلوماسية ورفع العقوبات ضد إيران.
وتفيد التقارير بأنه ارتكب جريمة حرب بدعوته رسميا سوليماني لنصب كمين له وقتله.
ووفقا لمصادر البنتاغون ، فان ترامب "قام بضرب المخابرات الاسرائيليه المزيفة.
أمر ، حتى انه الآن
الوكيل الصهيوني [وزير الخارجية مايك بومباو] ،
[وزير الدفاع مارك] Esper,
[وكاله المخابرات الCIA المدير جينا] Haspel,
بالاضافه إلى ذلك ، جابانكا [جاريد كوشنير وايفانكا ترامب]
يقولون انهم قد يطلقون النار
وحتى الآن ، لم تجد الشركات الامريكيه أموالا للاستمرار في العمل منذ 31 يناير/كانون الثاني ، سيتم ذلك مره أخرى
قد يكون السبب الحقيقي كنت تلعب بطاقات الحرب لمجتمع سري الاسيويه
وقال المصدر.
وفي الواقع ، فان هستيريا وسائل الاعلام علي إيران
فهو يصرف الناس عن حقيقة ان الاقتصاد الأمريكي يسقط في السقوط الحر. (وهي قصه تقرير تدور المتعمد.) )
[الهجوم علي إيران]
وقالت مصادر بريطانية ان بريطانيا ، أكبر حليف في الولايات المتحدة ، تشعر بالغضب إزاء هذه الخطوة.

PFCJ 20200106 التقرير فولفورد [العربية] 2020 1 6 الحرب العالمية الثالثة

الراسماليون الدوليون للخلايا السرطانية البشرية هم الشيطان-المصليين من "روتشيلد ، ايليلينتاتي ، الاوروبيه 13 نسب ، اللجنة 300 شخص ، الفاتيكان ، جيس ، المافيا Hazar ، الإمبراطور ، وعائله لي".

هذه ليست سوي اقل من 800 الناس ، ولكن هناك 77 الناس هنا.

ما هي قائمه فقط تحت 800 الناس ؟
يمكنك الحصول عليه من بنيامين فولفورد (mail:postmaster@benjaminfulford.com).

وتكون الجائزة المالية 800 من المبلغ الذي سيدفع لأحد المساهمين.
وبعبارة أخرى ، مع لدغه من الف ين التبرع
إذا أصبح 800,000 ين ، دعوانا نجعله يدفع ب1,000 ين.

يجب علينا القضاء علي المصليين من الشياطين الذين يدافعون عن NWO دون ترك شخص واحد من جميع انحاء العالم.

حتى الفقراء الذين ليس لديهم حتى أسلحه جزيرة يربحون ضد المرتزقة روتشيلد لحماية جزيرتهم.

كن واثقا


الآن ، حافي الصدر ، مثل هذا ، يرتدي مثل خرقه ، حسنا ، تقريبا اي المال ، ولكن عندما أقول ما كان الأصل من هذه المعركة ،
يدعي ليوكينتوزيني
روتشيلد لديه شركه تعدين بدء تشغيل.
في البداية ، أجبرت السكان هناك علي العيش في كوخ صغير. لا أستطيع إقناعك بذلك ، شيء ما
حتى لو قلنا ما يجب ان نقوله فقد تم تجاهلنا
ليس لدينا خيار سوي الذهاب إلى الحرب ، وليس لدينا أسلحه ، لذلك في البداية ، لدينا فاس ، سهم ، أو شيء من هذا القبيل.
وباعداد كبيره ، كان كثير من الناس علي استعداد للموت ، لذلك قتلوا جنديا واحدا وسرقوا أسلحتهم.
باستخدام هذا المسدس ، قتل ثلاثه أو أربعه أشخاص ، والحصول علي أربعه المزيد من البنادق ،
ما غلاية ، في حرب لمده 15 عاما ، وقال انه فاز جيش المرتزقة من روتشيلد.
وقد تمت معالجته ، ومنذ ذلك الحين ، تم إغلاقه ، وهو حق خارج الحدود الخارجية.
ريتشارد ارميغي هو ابن عم باربرا بوش ، اليس كذلك ؟

مايكل غرين هو محامي روتشيلد.

وأصدر هذان الشخصان أوامره إلى ابي ووجها الانتخابات. وحتى ذلك الحين ، يجري الكشف الآن عن المعلومات.

ایالات متحده خود را "تامین هزینه های جنگ" از "استعمار ژاپن" وجوه به دلیل آن است که از نظر مالی ورشکسته و می تواند مقدار زیادی از هزینه های جنگ در خانه را افزایش نمی دهد ، و اگر کشورهای اسلامی می دانیم که جنگ بدون ژاپن می تواند انجام شود ، ژاپن تبدیل خواهد شد "هدف از تروریسم". با این حال ، من می خواهم شما را به هر کسی که هدف بدانند که آن را Shinzo آبه آقای لی کره که طول می کشد بیش از ژاپن ، همیشه به سمت بد متصل است ، و نیروهای خارجی افسران پلیس نظامی از تصاحب مردم کره ای تحت آن است. ناامید.

ایالات متحده خود را "تامین هزینه های جنگ" از "استعمار ژاپن" وجوه به دلیل آن است که از نظر مالی ورشکسته و می تواند مقدار زیادی از هزینه های جنگ در خانه را افزایش نمی دهد ، و اگر کشورهای اسلامی می دانیم که جنگ بدون ژاپن می تواند انجام شود ، ژاپن تبدیل خواهد شد "هدف از تروریسم".

با این حال ، من می خواهم شما را به هر کسی که هدف بدانند که آن را Shinzo آبه آقای لی کره که طول می کشد بیش از ژاپن ، همیشه به سمت بد متصل است ، و نیروهای خارجی افسران پلیس نظامی از تصاحب مردم کره ای تحت آن است. ناامید.



أنت تقوم بتجاره المخدرات ، اليس كذلك ؟ لا ، أنت تسيء إلى الأطفال ، اليس كذلك ؟ المافيا لديها قصه مع بعضها البعض. لهذا السبب تحتاج واشنطن العاصمة إلى الكثير من التنظيف.
هناك شريط فيديو للعب بطاقات قتل فتاه صغيره من خلال ممارسه الجنس مع فتاه تبلغ من العمر 13 عاما في ذلك الوقت.

الولايات المتحدة الامريكيه من [نرازو] بلد قطاع طرق الذي ليس في المرشح من [توب] فقط هذا شيء. وقد كرس الباعة المتجولون طريقهم للحرب والصراع لمده 223 عاما خلال تاسيس البلاد البالغ من العمر 240 عاما.

فضيحة "ابستاين" تم تاكيدها بالفعل كاكبر فضيحة في هذا القرن

هذا هو رمز في نقطه تحول ، والولايات المتحدة واليابان ، التي يسيطر عليها الإمبراطور الكوري ، هي أيضا الاكتئاب ، وانهارت ، ودمرت من قبل البراز الكوري لي Shinzo ابي.

أمل ان انشر العالم!

الاتجار الدولي بالأطفال جنسيا

عشاق العالمية النخبة
(النخبة العالمية Pedfilia)

"النخبة سوبر المخدرات AdrenoChrome"

يوم واحد تم القبض علي ال غور من قبل حارس أمن المطار في طريقه لحمل حقيبة المعباه في زجاجات adrenochrome (الأدرينالين الصباغ).
العديد من النخب تعتمد علي المسالة. (الملكة اليزابيث ، وزوجته الملك فيليب ، الخ.)
ومن المعروف ان المشاركة في ما يسمي "الطبخ الروح".
حزب شاذ جنسيا يتوج بتضحية الأطفال والرضع
هناك عباده شيطانيه ، وتناول جسم الطفل أو الطفل ، وشرب الدم.
النخبة في العالم ، بما في ذلك شعب هوليوود ، يعتقدون ان دم الطفل الذي صدمته يحتوي علي adrenochrome ، وان شرب يمكن ان تبقي الناس الشباب. (توم هانكس ، ستيفن سبيلبيرغ)
بيدفيلياس مثل الاحذيه الحمراء مصنوعة من اللحم البشري.
وهم يفيدون بأنهم شهدوا شعورا فريدا بالرفاهية. بابا
ويقال ان المخدرات قد اتخذت بعيدا الحياة الضحية الطاقة في حين نقل طاقتها للمستهلك من الدم.
هذا الدواء هو طقوس الشيطان من التضحية البشرية حيث استهلك دم الضحايا من قبل المشاركين.
ومن المعروف ان تحصد في معظم الأحيان.
يتم أخذ adrenochrome اقوي من جهاز يسمي الجسم الصنوبري للطفل الصغير الذي عانى صدمه شديده.
إذا كان الدم ياتي من طفل ، والدواء هو أكثر قوه وفعالية من إذا كان ياتي من الكبار.
ويقال انها اقل سميه.
اخترقت الابره في العينين ويفرز الدواء من جذع الدماغ.
كررت المواضيع كان كثير أوقات ل كثير استخراج ويبقي حيه.
وكان adrenochrome بعض الآثار علي الدماغ البشري.
يمكن ان يسبب الابتلاع النشوة ويؤدي إلى رفع العقلية لا مثيل لها ، ولكن الهلوسة ، والفصام ، وعدم الواقعية ، والارتجاع ، والاكتئاب بجنون العظمة ، الخ.
الاضطرابات العقلية وردود الفعل الذهانية يمكن ان تحدث أيضا.
وكانت هذه المادة اثار lsD التي يمكن ان تستمر لعده أسابيع.
Adrenochrome هو مجرد الإدمان مثل الهيروين ، وهناك خطر إذا كانت تعمل المستهلكين في الاستخدام الترفيهي.

لا يستهلك المدخول المستمر من adrenochrome والشخص من تركيا الباردة.
إذا قررت المغادرة ، قد تواجه الكحول ، والمخدرات المتشددين ، والمواد الافيونيه ، أو اعراض الانسحاب أكثر شده من البنزوديازيبينات.
في الأصل ، تم اكتشاف اثار هذا الدواء عن طريق أداره تركيبه الأدرينالين الشيخوخة التي تحتوي علي adrenochrome والأدرينالين.
Abram Hoffer وههمفري Osmond يعتقد ان تاثير مشابه ل LSD و mescarin ، والذي يسمي الآن مخدر.
انها وضعت متلازمة الأدرينالين مع الاضطرابات العقلية والمشاركين الذين شربوا الدم مع هذا الدواء نشرت فرضيه adrenochrome من الاضطرابات العقلية التي تجربه عاليه الإحساس, الهلوسة, الرفاه, ضعف الرغبة الجنسية, التشويه, الاستمناء والتشوه الجسدي.
ومع ذلك ، إذا كانت كميه adrenochrome في الجسم كبيره جدا ، وكميه الحديد في الدم يزيد ، فانه ليس من الممكن التعامل مع الزيادة السريعة لأيونات ، وانه يمكن ان يسبب اضطرابات عقليه حاده مثل الفصام ، لذلك يمكن ان ينظر إلى انه قاتل.
هذه هي الخطايا التي ارتكبتها النخبة العالمية Pedfilias والجحيم الذي سينتظرونه. (هيلاري كلينتون ، زوجها ، الرئيس السابق كلينتون)
و!!! حكم علي النخبة العالمية التي اختطفت وتم الاتجار بها واشتريت وباعت جثث الاجنه من جميع انحاء العالم بالإعدام. (هيلاري كلينتون ، توم هانكس ، ستيفن سبيلبيرغ)

أدعو ان حياه العديد من الأطفال الذين ضحوا بهم ستكون قادره علي النوم بسلام.

#  #  #pedofiria
الحقيقة التي تحدث في عالم الاتجار الجنسي بالأطفال علي الدولي

ومن المقرر ادانته لانتهاكه الصارخ لمبادئ القانون الدولي.
ورد وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف علي الحادث.
المجتمع العالمي يدعم جرائم الحرب المزعومة في إيران ضد ترامب
وقال انه في نهاية المطاف ان يوضع في السجن لهذه الجريمة ، و
مصادر الفيدرالية الروسية وعد.

وقال المحاربون القدامى توددي ان الحكومة الامريكيه وعدت بالتنازل عن الدبلوماسية ورفع العقوبات ضد إيران.
وتفيد التقارير بأنه ارتكب جريمة حرب بدعوته رسميا سوليماني لنصب كمين له وقتله.
ووفقا لمصادر البنتاغون ، فان ترامب "قام بضرب المخابرات الاسرائيليه المزيفة.
أمر ، حتى انه الآن
الوكيل الصهيوني [وزير الخارجية مايك بومباو] ،
[وزير الدفاع مارك] Esper,
[وكاله المخابرات الCIA المدير جينا] Haspel,
بالاضافه إلى ذلك ، جابانكا [جاريد كوشنير وايفانكا ترامب]
يقولون انهم قد يطلقون النار
وحتى الآن ، لم تجد الشركات الامريكيه أموالا للاستمرار في العمل منذ 31 يناير/كانون الثاني ، سيتم ذلك مره أخرى
قد يكون السبب الحقيقي كنت تلعب بطاقات الحرب لمجتمع سري الاسيويه
وقال المصدر.
وفي الواقع ، فان هستيريا وسائل الاعلام علي إيران
فهو يصرف الناس عن حقيقة ان الاقتصاد الأمريكي يسقط في السقوط الحر. (وهي قصه تقرير تدور المتعمد.) )
[الهجوم علي إيران]
وقالت مصادر بريطانية ان بريطانيا ، أكبر حليف في الولايات المتحدة ، تشعر بالغضب إزاء هذه الخطوة.

PFCJ 20200106 التقرير فولفورد [العربية] 2020 1 6 الحرب العالمية الثالثة

ایالات متحده خود را "تامین هزینه های جنگ" از "استعمار ژاپن" وجوه به دلیل آن است که از نظر مالی ورشکسته و می تواند مقدار زیادی از هزینه های جنگ در خانه را افزایش نمی دهد ، و اگر کشورهای اسلامی می دانیم که جنگ بدون ژاپن می تواند انجام شود ، ژاپن تبدیل خواهد شد "هدف از تروریسم".

با این حال ، من می خواهم شما را به هر کسی که هدف بدانند که آن را Shinzo آبه آقای لی کره که طول می کشد بیش از ژاپن ، همیشه به سمت بد متصل است ، و نیروهای خارجی افسران پلیس نظامی از تصاحب مردم کره ای تحت آن است. ناامید.




شما در حال انجام تجارت مواد مخدر ، شما نیست ؟ نه ، شما از بچه ها سوء استفاده می کنید ، آیا شما نیستید ؟ مافیا یک داستان با
 یکدیگر دارد. به همین دلیل است که واشنگتن دی سی نیاز به تمیز کردن زیادی دارد.
یک ویدیو از بازی کارت کشتن یک دختر جوان با داشتن رابطه جنسی با یک دختر 13 ساله در آن زمان وجود دارد.

ایالات متحده از راهزنان کشور Narazu که در نامزد بالا تنها چنین چیزی نیست. دو pedferias ماهی مرکب خود را به جنگ و درگیری برای ۲۲۳ سال در طول تاسیس ۲۴۰ ساله کشور اختصاص داده شده است.

رسوایی اپستاین در حال حاضر به عنوان بزرگترین رسوایی از این قرن تایید.

این نماد در نقطه عطفی است, و ایالات متحده و ژاپن, است که توسط امپراتور کره ای کنترل, نیز افسرده, فرو ریخت, و نابود شده توسط مدفوع کره ای Shinzo آبه.

من امیدوارم که به گسترش جهان!

بین المللی قاچاق جنسی کودک

جهانی نخبگان Pedophiles
(جهانی نخبگان Pedfilia)

"نخبگان فوق العاده داروهای مخدر"

یک روز آل گور توسط گارد امنیتی فرودگاه در راه خود را به حمل بطری چمدان از آدرنرژیک ها (رنگدانه آدرنالین) گرفتار شد.
بسیاری از نخبگان به ماده بستگی دارد. (ملکه الیزابت ، همسر پادشاه فیلیپ ، و غیره)
شناخته شده است به شرکت در آنچه که به نام "روح پخت و پز".
حزب pedophile منجر به قربانی کودکان و نوزادان
یک عبادت شیطانی وجود دارد ، خوردن بدن یک کودک یا یک کودک ، خون را می خورند.
نخبگان جهان ، از جمله مردم هالیوود ، بر این باورند که خون یک کودک آسیب دیده حاوی آدرنرژیک ، و آن را نوشیدن می تواند مردم را جوان نگه دارید. (تام هنکس ، استیون اسپیلبرگ)
Pedfilias مانند کفش های قرمز از گوشت انسان ساخته شده است.
آنها گزارش می دهند که آنها احساس منحصر به فرد از رفاه را تجربه کرده اند. پاپ
این دارو گفته شده است که گرفته اند دور انرژی زندگی قربانی در حالی که انتقال انرژی خود را به مصرف کننده خون.
این دارو مراسم شیطان از فداکاری انسان است که در آن خون قربانیان توسط شرکت کنندگان مصرف شد.
آن شناخته شده است به برداشت اغلب.
The قدرتمند ترین آدرنرژیک از یک عضو به نام بدن پینه آل از یک کودک جوان است که تجربه کرده است ضربه شدید گرفته شده است.
اگر خون می آید از یک کودک, دارو قوی تر و موثر تر از اگر آن را از یک فرد بالغ آمد.
گفته می شود کمتر سمی.
سوزن به چشم سوراخ شده و مواد مخدر از ساقه مغز ترشح.
این افراد چندین بار برای استخراج بسیاری تکرار شدند و زنده ماندند.
آدرنرژیک به حال برخی از اثرات آن بر مغز انسان.
خوردن می تواند باعث خوشحالی و منجر به بالا بردن ذهنی بی نظیر, اما توهم, جنون جوانی, unreality, فلش بک, افسردگی پارانویا, و غیره.
اختلالات روانی و واکنش های روانی نیز می تواند رخ دهد.
این ماده به حال اثرات lsD است که می تواند برای چند هفته گذشته.
آدرنرژیک ها به همان اندازه به عنوان هروئین اعتیاد آور است و اگر مصرف کنندگان در استفاده های تفریحی مشغول به خطر باشند ، ریسک وجود دارد.

مصرف ثابت آدرنرژیک ها مصرف نمی شود و فرد از ترکیه سرد است.
اگر شما تصمیم به ترک ، شما ممکن است الکل ، داروهای هاردکور ، مواد افیونی ، یا خیلی بیشتر علائم ترک شدید از بنزودیازپین ها را تجربه کنند.
در اصل, اثرات این دارو با تجویز یک فرمول آدرنالین پیری حاوی آدرنرژیک و آدرنالین کشف شد.
ابرام Hoffer و هامفری Osmond فکر اثر شبیه به LSD و mescarin بود, که در حال حاضر به نام روانگردان.
آنها سندرم آدرنالین با اختلالات روانی و شرکت کنندگان که نوشید خون با این دارو به چاپ فرضیه آدرنرژیک از اختلالات روانی است که تجربه با احساس بالا, توهم, رفاه, میل جنسی ضعیف, مسخ شخصیت, استمناء و ناهنجاری های فیزیکی.
با این حال, اگر مقدار آدرنرژیک در بدن بیش از حد بزرگ است, مقدار آهن در افزایش خون, ممکن است برای مقابله با افزایش سریع یونهای, و آن می تواند باعث اختلالات روانی شدید مانند اسکیزوفرنی, بنابراین می توان آن را دیده است که آن را کشنده است.
این گناهان مرتکب شده توسط Pedfilias جهانی نخبگان و جهنم آنها را برای صبر کنید. (هیلاری کلینتون ، همسرش ، رئیس جمهور سابق کلینتون)
نخبگان جهانی که ربوده ، قاچاق ، و خرید و فروش اجساد جنین از سراسر جهان!!! به مرگ محکوم شدند. (هیلاری کلینتون ، تام هنکس ، استیون اسپیلبرگ)

من دعا می کنم که زندگی بسیاری از کودکان که قربانی شده اند قادر به خواب مسالمت آمیز خواهد بود.

#  #  #pedofiria
حقیقت این است که در جهان از قاچاق جنسی کودکان بین المللی اتفاق می افتد

این است که به دلیل پرهیاهو و نقض اصول قوانین بین المللی محکوم شود.
سرگئی لاوروف ، وزیر خارجه روسیه ، به این حادثه پاسخ داد.
جامعه جهانی از جنایات جنگی ادعایی در ایران علیه ترامپ حمایت می کند
او در نهایت در زندان برای این جرم قرار داده است ، و
منابع FSB روسیه وعده داده است.
سربازان بازنشسته گفت که دولت آمریکا وعده داده است که از دیپلماسی و تحریم های علیه ایران منع شود.
آن گزارش می دهد که او مرتکب یک جنایت جنگی به طور رسمی دعوت سلیمانی فقط به او کمین و او را بکشند.
با توجه به منابع پنتاگون ، مغلوب ساختن پیشی جستن "ضربه با هوش اسرائیل جعلی ساخته شده است.
دستور داد ، بنابراین او در حال حاضر
نماینده صهیونیستی [وزیر امور خارجه مایک ترامپ]
[وزیر دفاع مارک] Esper,
[مدیر سیا جینا] Haspel ،
علاوه بر این ، جبل انکا [جارد کوشنر و علی خامنه اى]
آنها می گویند آنها ممکن است آتش.
تا کنون ، شرکت های ایالات متحده را پیدا کرده اند بودجه برای ادامه عامل از ژانویه 31 ، و آنها را یک بار دیگر
ممکن است دلیل واقعی شما در حال بازی کارت های جنگ برای یک انجمن مخفی آسیایی
منبع گفت.
در واقع هیستری رسانه ای در ایران
این منحرف مردم از این واقعیت است که اقتصاد ایالات متحده در حال سقوط به سقوط آزاد است. (این یک داستان گزارش اسپین عمدی است.) )
[حمله به ایران]
بریتانیا, بزرگترین متحد در ایالات متحده, توسط حرکت خشم, با توجه به منابع بریتانیا.

PFCJ ۲۰۲۰۰۱۰۶ Fulford گزارش [انگلیسی] ۲۰۲۰ ۱ ۶ جنگ جهانی سوم

USA fails in itself financially, and when Islam various countries learn from funds of "colony Japan" that USA doing "supply of" the war expenditure can't go to war without Japan because the huge war expenditure can't be supplied in country, Japan will be "mark of terrorism".
But could you take Japan over, know takeover Korean agent military policeman DA of Shinzo Abe and others in the Yi-Dynasty which always sticks to the bad side and becomes a clique and the follower and tight, target all the members? Urgent.

Doesn't drug commerce send you? No, doesn't child abuse send you? TO or, I say, and "Between the Mafia, an ingredient for sushi is shared each other." So Washington D.C. needs clean-up.
Cards have sex with a 13-year-old female person then, and the video killing a young girl exists.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WxSJJyhqmmU
NARAZU person traitor state USA where only such one is on a ticket for TOP. Founding, 223 years during per 240 years, squid RE PEDOFERIA which has gone to war and has spent the time in trouble.
Epstein event fixes the biggest scandal in this century already.
USA and Japan ruled by a Korean emperor for Shinzo Abe and others of Korean agent Riya of the clique make this a symbol by turning point, and is ruined, falls and extincts.
I hope for the world spread!
International child human traffic
Global Elite Pedophiles
(Global  Elitist  Pedophilia)
"Elitist's super drug ad Reno chrome"
While carrying a suitcase of bottling of ad Reno chrome (adrenaline pigment), Al of Japan who has that and Goa were caught by a guard at the airport.
Many elitists are dependent on a substance. (Queen Elizabeth and the spouse Philip ouhaihoka)
It's found to participate in something called "Spirit cooking".
A party of the pedophile who reaches a climax by a child and baby's human victim.
I have that and I'm eating the form of the child and the baby and am drinking blood by devil-like worship there.
Ad Reno chrome is included in blood of the child who received a trauma (mental injury), and an elitist of the world including people in Hollywood believes that a person can keep the youth by drinking that. (Tom Steven Hanks, Spielberg)
Pedophilias like the red shoes made with human flesh.
It's being reported that the users experienced peculiar euphoria. (Pope)
It's said that this medicine took the life energy of the victim away while moving its energy to the consumer of blood.
This medicine is by a ceremony of the victim's human devil for which victim's blood was spent by a participant.
It's found to be harvested most frequently.
The most strong ad Reno chrome is extracted from the system as the cerebral pineal body of the young child who experienced a serious injury.
When blood has come from a child, medicine is more strong than the occasion from the adult and effective.
It's said that toxicity is low.
I stick a needle into an eye and make them secrete medicine from a brain stem.
A subject was repeated many times for much abstraction, and kept living.
Ad Reno chrome had several influence on a human brain.
Absorption causes fascination feeling, and there are other possibilities which bring the spirit uplift from which the kind isn't judged, hallucination, integration incontinentia, unreality-ization, flashback and the one of the delusion-like depressed etc.
There is a possibility that mental disorder and a psychiatric disorder reaction also cause it.
This substance had the effect of LSD with a possibility which continues for several weeks.
There is poisoning like heroin for ad Reno chrome, and when a consumer is engaged in entertainment use, there is risk.

Continuous absorption of ad Reno chrome isn't consumed, and the person is from cold turkey.
When having decided to get away, there is a possibility that a withdrawal symptom quite more serious than alcohol, hard-core medicine, an opiate or BENZOJIAZEPIN is experienced.
Primarily, the effect of this medicine was found by throwing the adrenaline medicine manufacturing which aged including ad Reno chrome and adrenaline.
Abram Hoffer and Humphrey Oz Monde thought this effect was similar to LSD and mescaline (For spirit imitation medicine and present, psychedelically, and, it was called.)
They developed adrenaline syndrome by mental disorder, and the participant who drank blood by this medicine announced a high sense, hallucination, euphoria and mental disorder which experiences lust dullness, datsu personalization, self-consolation act and body transformation ad Reno chrome hypothesis.
But when there is too much ad Reno chrome in the body, the iron amount in the blood is increased, and you can't handle sudden increase of an ion, and I find out that it's fatal because there is a possibility that schizophrenia causes serious mental disorder.
This is the crime global elitist pedophilias violated and the hell for which I'll wait now. (Clinton former president of Hillary Clinton and the husband)
A child of all over the world and a baby, kidnapping, a human traffic and the judgment which is a capital punishment for the global elitists who dealt in fetus's corpse! (Hillary Clinton, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg)
It's wished that the life of a large number of children who became sacrifice can sleep peacefully.
# International child human traffic # PE DOFIRIA#  SUPIRIDDOKUKKINGU.
"International child human traffic" Mami who gets up in the world.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yaa3ekuxxbU

"I violate a principle of international law plainly, and it should be blamed."
Russian Sergey and RABUROFU Minister of Foreign Affairs were correspondence to an event.
World Society supports an Iranian war criminal count to cards.
That he'd be inserted in a prison for this crime finally.
A Russian FSB quarter is promised.
Washington is under the appointment for diplomatic exemption and sanction release to Iran for BETERANZU whisky.
I'm reporting to have ambushed him, have invited SOREIMANI to only killed purpose formally and have violated a war crime.
Cards dictated a hit to (SOREIMANI) by false Israeli information and made be crowded "" according to
a source of the Pentagon, so, he, now.
A Zionist agent [the microphone PONPEO Secretary of State".
[The Secretary of Defense mark] an esper.
[Director for central intelligence agency, Gina] lotus Pell.
Moreover a snake van mosquito [Jared, KUSHUNA and Ivan mosquito cards].
I say that it may be dismissed.

That the former place and an American enterprise don't find the funds by which one after January 31 also keeps coming into action, they're again.
The one from the secret society which is Asia when it may be the true reason that I was playing a war card
A source said.
Than Riemann crisis by which hysteria of media about Iran is 2008 for certain.
People are evaded from the fact that U.S. economy says that they fall into a free fall. (I take an ingredient for sushi of intentional spin report.)
[The offensive to Iran]
The largest American allied country United Kingdom is enraged with this movement according to a British authority quarter.
PFCJ 20200106  The full Ford report [English version] 2020 1 6 Third Last War, kai.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=u_hFe4jn-tQ

ایالات متحده خود را "تامین هزینه های جنگ" از "استعمار ژاپن" وجوه به دلیل آن است که از نظر مالی ورشکسته و می تواند مقدار زیادی از هزینه های جنگ در خانه را افزایش نمی دهد ، و اگر کشورهای اسلامی می دانیم که جنگ بدون ژاپن می تواند انجام شود ، ژاپن تبدیل خواهد شد "هدف از تروریسم".
با این حال ، من می خواهم شما را به هر کسی که هدف بدانند که آن را Shinzo آبه آقای لی کره که طول می کشد بیش از ژاپن ، همیشه به سمت بد متصل است ، و نیروهای خارجی افسران پلیس نظامی از تصاحب مردم کره ای تحت آن است. ناامید.

Global Elite Pedophiles
(グローバル エリート ペドフィリア)
多くのエリートが物質に依存している。(エリザベス女王、その配偶者フィリップ王配 他)
ハリウッドの人々を含む世界のエリートはトラウマ(心的外傷)を受けた子供の血にはアドレノクロムが含まれていて、それを飲む事で人が若さを保つ事が出来ると信じているのです。(トムハンクス、スティーブン スピルバーグ)

世界中の子供や赤ちゃんを誘拐や人身売買、胎児の死体の売買を行ったグローバルエリート達に極刑の裁きを!!!(ヒラリー・クリントン、トムハンクス、スティーブン スピルバーグ)
#国際児童性人身売買 #ぺドフィリア #スピリッドクッキング
『 国際児童性人身売買 』世界で起きている真実



PFCJ 20200106 フルフォードレポート【英語版】2020 1 6第三次世界大戦を開






そんなに人様のモノが奪ってでも欲しいか!?ひたすら、他国にせびって、脅して、たかり、奪う盗人、乞食共め!! 石油奪って、通貨発行権奪って、中東支配して、理性も無く、自制も効かず、支配欲と独占欲に奔放に任せた虚勢と覇権を張って威張りたいだけの、情けない虚栄ゲス。



6/20(木) 6:10配信


New Life

確か、原発ビジネス推進派の中曽根が日本中を原発だらけにし、ロスチャイルドのフランスから核廃棄物をもんじゅに集め、日本製核弾頭を某中東国家に民間機をカモフラージュにして密輸する計画が事前にばれていて離陸直後から事件が起こったと聞いています。 またソ連空挺部隊の兵員装甲車の残骸も山中で見かっており、パラシュート部隊の輸送機ごと撃墜されたとか。
成仏したければ息を引き取る前に言わないとね。 お金も身体も持って行くことはできないのだから。

やっと! 公に発表する時が来たのですね。  この真実を自衛隊員は知りながら何も言えなかった事に苦しみ悔しかったでしょう。  宇宙文明に入りました、 今まで隠されて来た事が次々に明らかになるのです。
日本をいい様に操って来たアメリカも衰退してきている、 その米国のポチとなり日本国民を裏切り平然と生きている中曽根はじめ政財界の悪魔、闇の勢力の支配者が生きている時に公になり、晒者になると信じたい。
参院選では自民党を倒す準備が進められ、新党が現れて来ました。 皆さん新党を応援して新しい政府を創りあげていきましょう!ください





Yoshy k



@野口欣作 さん


@山崎尚 アフリカの資源を護る為に、人民を殺害しています。黒幕は、姿を見せませんよ。










八咫の鏡に出エジプト記3章14節に我在りて有る者と書いてある。北イスラエルのエフライム族のY染色体ハプロタイプD2でYAP遺伝子を持たない豚家畜が天皇になり、大和民族を支配する事はthe babylonian talmudに違反する。大和民族は、豚家畜を殺してもかまわないとthe babylonian talmudに書いてある。徳仁が、Y染色体ハプロタイプD2出なくYAP遺伝子を持たない場合は、豚家畜だから、YHWHの名のもとに処刑し財産を国庫に没収すべき。

徳仁の遺伝子が孝明天皇と繋がらない時には直ちに処刑しろ。徳仁のY染色体ハプロタイプが、D2でなかったり、YAP遺伝子が無い場合は、16弁の菊花紋を表紋として使えない。獅子とユニコーンを裏紋として使えない。北イスラエルのエフライム族の天皇ではないから。遺伝子検査して、Y染色体ハプロタイプが、D2でなかったり、YAP遺伝子が無い場合は、YHWHの名の元に直ちに処刑し、財産を国庫に編入しろ。大和民族は、YHWHの神殿をつくり、the babylonian talmud原理主義者となり、黒い山葡萄原人の豚家畜を皆殺しにして、北イスラエルを日本に再建しろ。イザヤ第24章14節で、YHWHは日本を大和民族の約束地と認めている。



自分達がやっていた悪事を日本人がやったかの如く罪をなすり付け、侮日してほくそ笑んでいる奴らですよ。全ての日本人は騙されて~。余りにもバカだから、人類全てを敵に回すことでしょう。~ お察しだ。




INFINITY SAV社、韓国のソウルにある。発電機を開発している。
作っているMagnetic Generator のフリーエネルギー方式は、80年前のテスラの1943年にはテストをしていたアイデアからヒントを得たものです。
出力電圧220V 電流20A、負荷4.5KWの電力、ランプへの負荷1.1KW ファン400W  ヒーター2.5KW の2~3人の家庭なら問題なく賄う電力を発生させる事が出来る。
水で走る車!ほぼフリーエネルギー完成!Magnetic generatorは10分位より


It is information for the people all the countries of the world! With the American of the Japanese oaks person nation,  Forbid that USA and Korean is concerned with both the export and the contact in the future afterward at all!

When you would contact with a Korean and an American of thief beggars, they take your country over like Japan and suck blood of a tax! Don't concern! The world!
When not exterminating a Korean and an American of the takeover rule system to eat a nest in Japan, there is no peace of the world!

Stop the use of force by all means!
I'm incompetent and am a dotterel, American ME including the cards!
If I'd like to make the people eat, FRB will be nationalized, and a dollar should be distributed and just scattered as much as you like! Anyhow a currency is the first nothingness!
The war I try to cause.

Because a father of cards was Rothschild's staff, the translations a currency issue right of FRB Rothschild possesses makes nationalization are never!

Even do you want others' thing to take it away so much? The thief who importunes an other country, threatens, cadges and takes it away earnestly and beggar ME! Self-control takes it away and takes a currency issue right away, and does the Middle East rule of petroleum, and is also irrational, and doesn't also work, the heartless vanity vulgar fellow who would to spread the bluff and the power left to a rule desire and a monopoly desire wild and be just like proud.
In a people of all the countries, koku GU!
If a war is caused this time, the after future and export, contact and the thing I concern are forbidden entirely with an American of NARAZU person state!

A president of the United States doesn't exclude the anti-Iranian sanction "He moves for 24 days."= use of force.
https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl? a=20190623-00000000-jij-n_ame

Ordinary! It is Mafia (in the Republican Party in the gambling Mafia, the Democratic Party a drug mafia) building a nest on the United States that is カバールマフィア that you must fight! Be opposite to 行 ってねぇで, a way of spoiling and scoundrels of one's own country for a threat to pester foreign country for マイド every time, money! You nationalize FRB, and serve the nation for one of oneself and this currency incidentally! Abroad money or resources do not go to pester it! This gun gang beggars!

The true intention to swirl in the U.S. forces which "do not want to fight against the Iranian military"
6/20 Thursday 6:10 delivery

As for the JAL123 service, Emperor Showa and Yasuhiro Nakasone are the ringleaders

New Life
I thought whether all were the hidden truth. The rescue break order just after the accident was surely given.

If I am not mistaken, it is full of nuclear power generation, and Nakasone of the nuclear power generation business promotion group does Japanese average and gathers nuke puke in Monju from France of Rothchild and hears it when a plan to do a civilian airplane for camouflage in the certain Middle East nation, and to smuggle a product made in Japan nuclear warhead comes out beforehand and had a case soon after the takeoff. In addition, that they looked at the wreckage of the strength of an army armored car of the Soviet Union paratroops in mountains, and every selfish cage, carrier of the paratrooper were shot down.
As there was the huge basement base of the Self-Defense Forces, I intended to guide it to Mount Osutaka (Japanese Olympus and splash) to the hometown that it was easy to do of the processing, but wing short が was caught on the ridge though evasion acted in the state that the captain who was an antisubmarine patrol aircraft pilot of former Marine Self Defense Force saw through the hidden reason and was hard to steer and seems to have crashed.
There was it with F101 and F106, but hoodoo and DeltaDagger could not be deployed in the U.S. Forces in Japan with the mainland air defense ambush machine belonging to the American air force, but for "this" the mainland U.S. (whether is from there as an air force base of Alaska is the nearest?) Would you carry it from this? ?
It will be natural that Nakasone said, "I take it to the graveyard". 
I must say before dying if I want to enter Nirvana. Because I can take neither the money nor the body.

Yoshiwara Masae
At last time to announce publicly came.  I suffered from the member of Self-Defense Forces having been able to say this truth to nothing while knowing it and would be annoyed.  It becomes clear in sequence that have been hidden so far that I subscribed space civilization.
When it is declining American Pochi and betrays a Japanese citizen, and it is calm, and the devil of industry and government, a ruler of the power of the darkness live at the living Nakasone beginning, the United States which controlled Japan to be good is made public and wants to believe it when it is to a criminal exposed to public view.
As the times have greatly already transformed, I want you to reveal the person knowing what the government conceals without being afraid.
I will protect oneself without noticing that the nation has been deceived to rebuild Japan, and being at the mercy of the government.
Preparations to defeat the LDP were pushed forward in the Upper House election, and a new party appeared. I support an everybody new party, and I will make it, and please give me the new government

Mada and sputum
Nakasone, please take 1,000 needles in the next world.

To Chloranthus japonicus of Poka
Nakasone and the executive who should die let alone the next world after paying the difference in the world at the time!

Kuniko Komatsu
As for the crash of Mount Osutaka, a delay is outstanding, there were many people who thought questioningly in Japan after being doubtful. The Emperor family and Rothchild, a house of the growth plotted it, is too terrible.

It is the information that you did not want to know, but must stare at the truth if possible.
Do not think that in this situation the malicious people finish it!

Yoshy k
The retired emperor did a Japanese bloodbath in Koreans, too.
Japanese mass killing is performed every day as far as Japan needs an evil spirit of the spoofing Emperor of the Korean.
Tens of millions of people will die from now on.
Half of cancer is coaxed by a cancer diagnosis of ? not a cancer, and, in treatment and the name to say, murder experiment on a human body is performed and is killed.
The Emperor crime that is more vicious than an organ extraction case of the Chinese Communist Party is committed in Japan.

The Emperor Showa was the Soviet Union and an American spy.
The defeat of Japan does only the strategy that the Emperor Showa is irresponsible, and this is because it let I let you do only failure, and Japan soldier ruin himself/herself idly.
I killed a lot of Japanese by a bloodbath. The devil kept killing a Japanese in the ナリスマシ Emperor of the Japanese Korean. It is the Emperor Showa that killed a lot of people most in the world.
I am writing that Nakasone is a spy of CIA in own book.

The devil pretended to be the Japanese Emperor. They begin with the Emperor Meiji, and all the present Emperor is the ナリスマシ Koreans.
The Tabuse system is the name of the Japanese takeover Korean village.
A quack Diet member and celebrity and a president of the huge industry go out of there.
The Japanese elite becomes a Korean.
A Korean rules over Japan, and even the incompetence does nonsense.
The devil rules over Japan and does nonsense.
It becomes the beginning of reproduction of Japan to remove this.

Yamazaki still
I feel sick with the person who still flatters the Emperor. With Toranomon news. The most plain one donates blood. The president is the empress. Under the name to be called blood donation, I collect blood from the nation free of charge and sell a blood transfusion in high prices and I do it and sell to blood products. The staff admits that I sell, too. The argument is not possible if I say that it is, "this is fraud". The staff accepts fraud. The Imperial Family is a fraud group. It is to say this.
@ Kin Noguchi product
Imperial Guardsman Tadateru ,is he? A younger brother of Morihiro Hosokawa. The Red Cross is concerned with Ebola (there is not this disease). It is the Red Cross that kills a black.

It is early now to come out. Besides, there are many an internet dweller, professionals of the YouTuber. There are many people to uncover than substituting of the Imperial Family, make-believe of the case, Kem trail, artificial earthquake, Japanese darkness ... agent. Besides, it is the kindergarten level that is too poor quality agent (laugh). When I wrote make-believe of the sarin subway attacks in Tokyo, I came. When I only write words (laugh) and spread out, it will be bad. At first 13 dead people (it will not be dead) wrote a reason to the stupid agent that the number of the Self-Defense Forces vehicle at the time of 13 (of course it is not dead) wrote only 33 (laugh) words in the death penalty, and (it will be a lie) and the words of the woman who said that I would argue (laugh), and there was for damage were laughable. Though even a video should improve in blog, an agent, a head be usable though only an objection is not the crime that (laugh) I did (laugh) (laugh)

Kin Noguchi product
Because @ Yamazaki still protects African resources, I kill the people. The wirepuller does not turn up.
Medecins Sans Frontieres kills it with vaccine. A doctor is good one. I am brainwashed. As the trap of the wirepuller is skillful, it is difficult.

What is a symbol? Apologies! If oneself is suitable for the symbol of the nation if there is the normal proper sense as the person or has a Japanese "shame culture" with me, it is a thing to usually think, and to decline, but there is not completely it because it is a Korean.

The Emperor Meiji, the Emperor Showa sold off a Japanese woman abroad
The Emperor Meiji advertised it all over the country saying "there was the work that should go abroad and can live a rich life" and sold off hundreds of thousands of young women who applied to an overseas prostitution supplier on a ship of Nippon Yusen owned by Mitsubishi, and he got a vast fortune. The Emperor Showa deceived a Japanese woman, too and sold it off as a prostitute abroad. Can you believe the Emperor Heisei succeeding the fortune and the Crown Prince? As for the Crown Prince, a rumor of the child prostitution does not die out. They, the imperial family are the clans of the beast.

It is alien from Korean Peninsula ? that sold off a Japanese woman

The positive sky
Bad fellow is he!

Beans beans
The Mitsubishi financial combine is concerned, too.

Yurie Miyamoto
I want to know that I do not know it. There is a lot. The Emperor Meiji puppet + Emperor Showa who became ~AEC from the Emperor Meiji system went down abroad, and he transferred a Japanese woman in the days of the Manchurian Opium War of World War II. Reiwa was an indecent word

Kunio Yamada
An Emperor's autographic epistle and Emperor's composition and history of art feudal clan that the Emperor Komei gave Katamori Matsudaira are evidence.

Grandchild Hirohito of the Hiroshi Mori seal was called for to decide a place and the date and time of the atom bomb throwing down in substitution for life and security of the property in secretary of the army Stimson in June and replied to Hiroshima with around 8:00 a.m. on August 6. I gave field marshal Shunroku Hata an order to start it and let the army second division station to Hiroshima and let you hold a council of war at 8:00 a.m. on August 6 and slaughtered it by the experiment on a human body of the atom bomb.

Grandchild Hirohito of the Hiroshi Mori seal smuggled a weapon and oil in by Panama-registered ship by ship of NIPPON SUISAN from the United States and palmed it off on the Japan forces and accumulated wealth in the account of the Mera child of Yokohama ready money Bank illegally. When an atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, I remitted to an account of the International Red Cross of Swiss Bank and avoided the plunder from the winning the first game country.

The sacred mirror as one of the three sacred treasures of the Imperial Court says the person that there is I living-in-りて in Exodus three chapters Section 14. The pig domestic animal which does not have YAP gene in Y chromosome Hapuro_type D2 of the Ephraim group of north Israel becomes the Emperor, and it violates the babylonian talmud to rule over the Japanese race. It is written in the babylonian talmud that the Japanese race may kill a pig domestic animal. When Naruhito does not have YAP gene without Y chromosome Hapuro_type D2 appearance, you execute it in the name of YHWH and should confiscate property in the Treasury because it is a pig domestic animal.

When a gene of Naruhito is not connected to the Emperor Komei, execute it promptly. When Y chromosome Hapro type of Naruhito is not D2, and there is not YAP gene, I cannot use the Imperial Crest of the Chrysanthemum of 16 valves as a family crest. I cannot use a lion and the unicorn as the back crest. Because it is not the Emperor of the Ephraim group of north Israel. You make a genetic test and execute it based on the name of YHWH promptly when Y chromosome Hapuro_type is not D2, and there is not YAP gene, and incorporate property into the Treasury. You make a shrine of YHWH and become the babylonian talmud fundamentalist, and the Japanese race annihilates the pig domestic animal of the black wild vine primitive man, and rebuild north Israel in Japan. In Isaiah Chapter 24 14 sections, YHWH recognizes Japan as promise soil of Japanese race.

I planned it with Tomomi Iwakura, and Takachika Mori and the Hiroshi Mori seal let Tabuse Korea burakumin, Hirobumi Ito assassinate Emperor Komei and Mutuhito_shinnnou and let the Emperor Meiji succeed to the throne in Tabuse Korea burakumin, Toranosuke_Ohmuro. I planned it with Tomomi Iwakura, and, with Takachika Mori, the Hiroshi Mori seal forged a secret Imperial edict of the office and rank restoration and the secret Imperial edict of the inverse curtain and an unchallengeable absolute. I sealed Yasukuni shrine after the shrine dedicated to the spirits of the war dead of the Taoism of the Han race for a grudge of Shinno_mutuhito with the Emperor Komei whom I assassinated.

It will be the video that a Japanese stirred up can not believe the Japanese flag for the royalty. However, I have heard this story in a childhood in old days.
The bad rumor was strictly prohibited in those days because the Emperor was worshiped as God. Everybody kept quiet. However, there was the person who talked whisperingly inside. The back of the Imperial Family has been proved recently.
Anyway to sell off a Japanese woman because the Emperor is not a Japanese in Koreans; very easy I guess.
? which wants you to uncover it more and yet more, and should abolish the Emperor system of Japan

Akaruida Isu
I spread a crime as if a Japanese did the evil deed that oneself did, and be accompanied and is the guy and others who does dispise Jap, and chuckles to himself. All Japanese are deceived; and ... Because I am too stupid, it will be to antagonize all the human. ... I can guess.

It is decision by the Emperor system abolition. It is tax loss.

Ear phosphorus
Though remembered it, Sandakan
八番感娼館(Hachibankanshoukan) is a movie.
In the story of the brothel of Borneo Island
I forgot the name of the actress starring, but a co-star or an older brother was Tanaka Ken and was the journalist whom Komaki Kurihara がちろいろ sounding out checked. I projected the real grave in a true story.
When it becomes the book which is called nostalgia if I talk with a friend afterwards!
After all it seemed to be written in the book in detail.

Non-regular staff is a further classification system by part-ization, mechanization, treatment as the function and slave-ization of the person who just exchanged a name with a delegate! It should be swept away!
Working people are a regular member completely!

The world will shift to free energy promptly.There is no necessity to cause the war which plots plunder from countries with a fossil fuel underground at all!
It is in INFINITY SAV company, Seoul of Korea. I develop a generator.

The free energy method of Magnetic Generator which I made got a hint from the idea that I tested in 1943 of the tesla 80 years ago.
I can produce electricity to serve output voltage 220V electric current 20A, electricity of load 4.5KW, 2-3 families of load 1.1KW fan 400W heater 2.5KW to a lamp without a problem.
The car which runs with water! Approximately free energy completion! Magnetic generator from around ten minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcyRl1CV7vo

It is not a Japanese sense! I influence a thought, nature, the life only by the Korean to defeat, and a dog is a measure in a slave, the thought that a heart seems to be loud for in Westerners Nara that does not ache even if I modify it unconcernedly. In vote without telling the nation, and objection is not at all, being unanimous with the approval.
Tip implantation imposition, revised animal protection law are establishment https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190612-00000037-jij-pol to dog and cat


10秒~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=209&v=Z7bsb8HUEEM

男がHIV陽性の妻殺害 パキスタン、集団感染でパニック広がる
5/30(木) 5:49配信

男がHIV陽性の妻殺害 パキスタン、集団感染でパニック広がる
5/30(木) 5:49配信

HIV陽性の妻を殺害したとして逮捕された男。パキスタン南部シンド州シカルプルで。シンド州警察提供(2019年5月29日公開)。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News
 シンド州シカルプル(Shikarpur)のローシャン・アリ(Roshan Ali)警察官はAFPに「夫が今朝、縄で(被害者を)絞殺し、自宅外の木につるした」と説明。容疑者は身柄を拘束されたと述べた。
 シカルプル地区警察のサジド・サドザイ(Sajid Sadozai)署長は事件の発生を確認した上で、現在捜査が進行中であり、容疑者には殺人容疑が掛けられていると述べた。
 HIV集団感染が起きたラルカナ周辺の貧困地域では、住民の間で怒りと恐怖が広がっている。地元当局は集団感染について、汚染された注射器を使用した地元医師の過失または故意によるものだった可能性があるとしている。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News





ケムトレイル 航空会社に電話してみました! 2019.5.15



50分頃 https://bit.ly/2nIlljE




トランプは得意満面 安倍首相「5兆円」献上の大盤振る舞い

2019年5月30日 09:26

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イランが米軍攻撃を計画と分析 中央軍司令官


The United States incurred it's ill will too much all over the world! The Roberto Garaud accusation that developed HIV. HIV which "I was made to develop by the United States to make the African Continent unmanned" is the biological weapon which the United States developed. https://is.gd/deMCuV

It is a British and American act! It is a husband stupid!
The British newspaper "Guardian" confirms that HIV/AIDS that we reported for many years was spread to reduce population of Africa intentionally.
The Michael mailing doctor participated in diffusing HIV by inserting HIV in polio vaccine to give 2 million Africans with the Jonas soak doctor who was a pioneer of the polio vaccine.
The early stage of area of the outbreak of HIV/AIDS in Africa fits the area of the vaccination campaign of the polio vaccine exactly.
I guarantee that Ebola, SARS, the bird flu were scattered as part of a plan of this population reduction artificially again.
The member of the western rule elite sacrificed children as part of the バアル worship to be known as Moloch, a set, a Satan.
Ten seconds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=209&v=Z7bsb8HUEEM

5/30 Thursday 5:49 delivery that a panic spreads through for wife killing Pakistan, the outbreaks that a man is HIV-positive

5/30 Thursday 5:49 delivery that a panic spreads through for wife killing Pakistan, the outbreaks that a man is HIV-positive

The man who was arrested saying that I killed an HIV-positive wife. In Sindh シカルプル in southern Pakistan. Sindh state police offer (May 29, 2019 exhibition). [translation editing] AFPBB News
[AFP = current events] A case to kill the wife that a man was infected with aids virus (HIV) in Sindh (Sindh) state in southern Pakistan on 29th happened. The HIV infection nearly 700 becomes clear in the state in these past several weeks, and a panic spreads among inhabitants, and the low community health code of the country is highlighted.
[photograph] Man of the pediatrician said to that I caused HIV outbreaks

 According to the police, it is a village in the suburbs of the Larkana (Larkana) city that a case happened. In around city, several thousand people are examined in the center of HIV outbreaks in the past one month.
 According to the local police officer, as for what was killed, HIV infection became clear by inspection in the 32-year-old women who had four children several days ago, and immorality was doubted by a husband.
 The low beautifulness ant (Roshan Ali) police officer of Sindh Shikarpur (Shikarpur) explains to the AFP, a husband strangles you to death by a rope (in victims), and "he hung it to a tree out of the home this morning". The suspect stated that a body was restricted.
 The investigation was going now, and the Sajid Sadozai (Sajid Sadozai) head of the Shikarpur district Police stated that a murder charge was hung to the suspect after having confirmed the outbreak of the case.
 In the poor area around Larkana where HIV outbreaks occurred, anger and fear spread among inhabitants. The local authorities are doing it about outbreaks when it might be a thing by the fault of the local doctor using the polluted syringe or the intention. [translation editing] AFPBB News


Let's scatter the shit U.K., the actual situation of useless Rika very much all over the world.

Every country leaves the earth with lizard grandmother!
British Freemason made virus SARS to reduce the yellow-skinned races.
10 and a half minutes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx8uvvde3E4

Ingredient of the Kem trail sprayed all over the world by a contrail
Aluminum → Alzheimer silicic acid barium → For mental diseases such as the depression bacteria (influenza virus)
Various metal,
Radioactive material,
Nanoparticles polymers

Experiment on a human body by the military and the government
[Kem trail] It is ... Auschwitz of Japan
The police, the prosecution which the arrest does not prosecute to JAP member of the Diet making neither a topic nor the agenda are accomplices.
Kem trail and hay fever, bronchial asthma. A method that the imperial family whole families make a disease and make large profits.
[diffusion hope] It is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UFRQwHFuak "the mystery of the contrail" for digest a purpose and the huge company of the Kem trail
Whistle-blowing of the Kem trail _ Aircraftman
The population sorting reduction by the Kem trail! Whistle-blowing of the scientist affiliated with ... Government
Let's make a call of the protest hard in the airline.
I called the Kem trail airline! 2019.5.15

IS lets you compete between the work that Clinton foundation made in the Middle East, each Middle Eastern country and race and fans conflict and is foreign countries employing mercenaries corps to let you let you divide it and weaken.
Pakistan should cooperate with Iran with Afghanistan!

Clinton foundation made IS. War and a terrorism crisis are overseas hired soldier corpses of purpose of fanning it for the weapon enlargement of sale that CIA, Rockefeller, Rothchild made al Qaeda.
The trick that it has the same that I make a murder civil war, and Being kept safe by US army is not good in the U.S. forces as the Japanese military.
Yoshio Kodama whom the Japan forces made with the former Great War for the trick emergency that the Japanese military used in China, the Soviet Union in al Qaeda in ingeniousness now made mounted bandits, and attacked the village, and killed a person; the Japan forces come afterwards
The Japanese military made an image to be reliable with a way of "I protect you from mounted bandits"

It is druglord of the illicit sale Showa commerce of the opium in Manchurian: People of subordinate drug trade of Hajime Satomi had big game of the right wing, Yoshio Kodama (CIA agent, gang, the 錦政会 "wirepuller of industry and government") Nobusuke Kishi Eisaku Sato Hayato Ikeda. An opiate illicit sale engaged with Shigeru Yoshida who became the prime minister just after the postwar period. http://bit.ly/2jbxOxa
In both Afghan, Iraq and Pakistan, al Qaeda, IS are the overseas employing mercenaries corpses that CIA, Rockefeller, Rothchild made now.
They kill a person, and it makes a civil war, and it is a trick same as the Japanese forces that Being kept safe by US army is not good in the U.S. forces.

I get furiously angry when I know the hidden history.
Around 50 minutes  https://bit.ly/2nIlljE

In the United States of the scoundrel country which is the richest in the world and sets only war, why do you continue always supporting the limit?
Wirepullers of the world war are always proof to be JAP!
I should understand the support that should make the LDC and MSAC with JAP which was out of order totally.

???  Why Japan give to USA from our tax for 5 trillion yen as a souvenir in anything  ????
I tighten a tax from each country and I depend on the big company and stick together and let the country invest it, and what you (cards) should do is not to let the country which is the richest in the world be rich more! JAP of the fool tell anyone this, and is there not it?
Because you (cards) are incompetent! I depend on the other countries and let money pay and plunder it, and when it is duty or kicks it, I threaten you and let you invest it, and it is possible for the big company! This
I nationalize FRB quickly and a country prints it and distributes a null currency to the American nation Basic_income one 150,000 and drops the cost of personnel expenses and touches competitiveness, and free a classic routine of the food, clothing and shelter information movement from every day thinking about from the people, and it is your (cards) work! Make an effort possible at home! Tell me this!

I am assigned to the bad side and always become a tool. Hide the malignancy of oneself, and play high treacherous act against one's country, people are abandoned, for their begging for life! It is JAP!

Wooden stand for placing tableware on behavior May 30, 2019 09:26 of the Prime Minister Abe "5 trillion yen" very proud as for the cards presentation

I was cheerful, and President Trump that the U.S. President Trump (representative shooting) visited Japan as very proud/(C) JMPA "Reiwa first state guest" for "weapon shopping spree" "farm output product market presentation" "positive pole investment" in 4 days and 3 nights started for home on 28th. The Emperor and the interview that have never met you as watching Grand Sumo Tournament, the foreign country sovereign at the special seat which put a chair in golf, the box seat with Isao Aoki of the pro golfer. The reception offensive of Prime Minister Abe was strong so that I was made fun by the overseas media, but, as for what stuck in cards, "Japan and Prime Minister Abe seemed to be many presentation products to stick out their chest what contributed to American economy most in the world". Anyway, as for Prime Minister Abe, "Buy American" holds out more than 5 trillion yen by brown-nosing after the cards government start of the fixed expression.
  ◇  ◇  ◇
 "It is を inspection an escort ship enabled the deployment of product made in United States Stealth fighter F35B which the cards visit the Marine Self Defense Force Yokosuka base on 28th of the last day, and approached by the addition purchase in Japan. I moved to the assault ship "WASP" who anchored in the US Navy Yokosuka base and emphasized own business abilities afterwards saying "the number of F35 fighters increases most (Japan) in American allies". The weapon shopping spree of the Abe Administration is awesome as cards were very proud saying "Japan became the greatest buyer with the American accessories".
 F35 is a plan to introduce 147 planes into. 42 deployment was decided in the Democratic Party government, but decide 105 additional purchase in the general rules of the defense plan of the end of last year. The additional expenses amount to a total of 1.2 trillion yen only with a body. One Aegis Ashore of the ground-based missile interception system that Akita and Yamaguchi are given in the site proposed for deployment is 80 billion yen. Ministry of Defense estimates two acquisition connection costs with 240.4 billion yen, and it is said that it is 438.9 billion yen in total when I include maintenance operation.


 The vertical takeoff and landing carrier Osprey which is also called "widow maker" is going to introduce 17 planes into the Ground Self-Defense Force, 170 billion yen in total. It is said that it is nine planes, and 194 billion yen, the unmanned surveillance aircraft global hawk are three, and early-warning aircraft E2D is 56.7 billion yen.
 It is adult purchasing to well surpass 2 trillion yen only in these.

■The great warm reception does not make sense, too
 On the other hand, by the commerce negotiations pushed into cards, a field of car and farm output product is targeted. Export increase of about 400 billion yen to Japan was anticipated by the estimate of the U.S. government before the TPP secession. Cards had big progress by <Japan and a trade negotiation. A farm output product and the beef have a great effect. Because I tweet with> that expects a big number after the election of July and spoke, "I think that it is announced being splendid in August", what resist an abacus must be it.
 Akira Magosaki of the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs international information chief of the bureau says.
"The Abe Administration would decide the giving in of the farm output product market to lower damage to the auto industry that was framework of the Japanese economy. It becomes the favorable factor for an American farming family suffering a blow by a U.S. and China trade war. Still it is not thought that I loosen a handle in the field of car which President Trump fixes the eyes on in a main enclosure. President Trump suppressed deep Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania of the auto industry and relations in a presidential election of 2016. The victory of these four states occupying a quarter of majority (270) of the elector necessary for election is essential to achieve reelection. I may demand the most plain amount regulation to implant the image that let Japan give in in a qualified voter. The great warm reception of Prime Minister Abe will be good saying that I did not make sense"
 It was a joint press conference, and "the Japanese company was decided by new investment of 24 billion dollars (about 2.6 trillion yen) in United States since President Trump took office, and, as for Prime Minister Abe, "the investment by the Japanese company to U.S. was an elation which I will bring about 45,000 new employment" during one month after the last summit meeting saying 1 billion dollars (about 110 billion yen) increased". Is it good with letting a man boasting of a high treacherous act against one's country stay in the government?

In addition, I make war by playing of own work. A purpose of カバールマフィア of Rothchild and the gang who are self-writing, self-playing, and "... that Iraq has chemical munitions" makes the self-writing, self-playing excuse that attacked Iraq just after 911, and attack it, and plunder it of the Iranian central bank, and plunder it of the published by currency right, and scheme the world rule. The disease of the hated person world in the rogue nation which is never cured of America. Americans want you to disappear fast from the earth.
Iran is plan and analysis Central Command commander by the U.S. forces attack

The Emperor implication, Abe and others are people without the policy. Repair, the last perform a high treacherous act against one's country of a country properly on a given occasion and are the rotten people where 棄民 does the people. It is the people who must not appear abroad and must not hear that you say.